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With a strong component to support companies in their internationalization, the CCIPV team has been part of the operational process in a market, whose full potential remains to be fully explored.

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​The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal-Vietnam (CCIPV) was established under the no. 3 of article 12th of Decree-Law no. 244/92 of 29 October, and amended by Decree-Law no. 81/2000 of 10 May, and by Decree-Law No. 154/2017 of December 28 of the Portuguese Government.


CCIPV Representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, was established under Decree-Law no. 28/2018/ND-CP of 1 March, with the license no. 0018/XTTM-VPDD.


CCIPV is a non-profit private independent organization that proposes to promote its Members' interests regarding the commercial ties between businesses and individuals of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Portuguese Republic, being financed solely through its Members' quotas and the services provided.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry collaborates with, but not on behalf of, European, Portuguese, and Vietnamese Organizations and is not entitled, through its statutes, to take or promote any involvement in political activities. Its mission is closely linked to the development of bilateral trade and business opportunities between Portugal and Vietnam, guiding companies in ensuring access to the appropriate services.


Established on 12 October 2017 in Lisbon, its main founders were a Portuguese and a Vietnamese citizen, who is responsible, together with the Executive Board, for the following general objectives:


a) Promote the Members' interests, including the promotion of all types of products, services, or knowledge between Portugal and Vietnam.


b) Follow-up on legislation to be proposed by each country’s National Government that may affect the interests of its Members.


c) Encourage the joint consultation and discussion of industry documents and reports, with National Governments and Industrial and/or Trade Associations, on topics that may in some way affect the interests of their members.


d) Provide an annual forum, based on the use of Portuguese, Vietnamese and English languages, to discuss issues related to the Members' business, as well as sustainable development in three dimensions: Social, Economic, and Environmental.


e) Present a positive image to the local business community, using the Chamber's activities and its communication channels to add value to Portuguese and Vietnamese economic life, thus demonstrating a strong spirit of integration and cooperation.


f) Maximize the Chamber's relationships with its extensive network of contacts in Portugal and Vietnam, for the benefit of its Associates.



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The CCIPV was established under paragraph 3 of article 12th of Decree-Law No. 244/92 of October 29th, amended by Decree-Law No. 81/2000 of May 10th, and by Decree-Law No. 154/2017 of December 28th of the Portuguese Government.



The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal - Vietnam follows the non-profit Association model, whose executive or administrative body is assigned to the Board. The supervision and accompaniment of CCIPV's activity are exercised by its three other Governing Bodies (the General Assembly, the Fiscal Board, and the Advisory Board).


The model created is based on an organic balance that results from the consideration of the role that the members of each governing body can enrich in the administration, supervision, and management of the Chamber of Commerce.





There are several Agreements and Protocols that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal - Vietnam has signed with the most diverse Portuguese, Vietnamese and European Institutions and Entities.


Since its inception in 2017, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal-Vietnam (CCIPV) has had the fortunate opportunity to cooperate with important institutions that crucially contribute to the continuous development of CCIPV and of the bilateral relations between Portugal and Vietnam. The European Chamber in Vietnam (EuroCham Vietnam), the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), the Fundação Oriente (Portuguese Oriental Foundation), the Portuguese Embassy to the Kingdom of Thailand and lastly, but the opposite of least, the Portuguese Government’s Trade & Investment Agency - AICEP


CCIPV has signed several agreements with Portuguese and Vietnamese public and private entities, aimed at supporting the development of a competitive business environment that contributes to the globalization of the Portuguese and Vietnamese economies.


These agreements have as their main attributions the promotion and internationalization of Portuguese and Vietnamese companies, supporting their export activities, helping to attract and invest structuring investment, resulting in the promotion of the image of Portugal and Vietnam with initiatives that create value for both countries.


CCIPV Members benefit from the agreements and protocols established, both in products and services, whether free of charge or at more advantageous prices than those usually practiced in the market.


As our Member, you can contact us here to obtain more information.



Vietnamese incense making at a traditional incense village

Use the form to request information on various topics.


CCIPV has two offices located in Portugal and Vietnam. These are located in the major cities, with the fluent team in Portuguese, English, and Vietnamese.


Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal - Vietnam
Private non-profit association.


NIPC      514524553

CAE/P    94995

CAE/S    82300, 85591, 82990


Account No.


Account Holder

CCIPV - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portugal-Vietname


PT50 0010 0000 56574190 0015 5







5F, Deutsches Haus, 33 Le Duan St.,

Dist. 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

+84 (0) 28 3827 2705



Avenida da Liberdade, 110, 1º

1269 - 046 Lisboa. Portugal    

+351 213 404 669


© 2022 CCIPV - V1.8

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