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Turismo de Portugal launches platform to attract foreign investment

Invest in Tourism is the name of the new online platform created by Turismo de Portugal with the aim of consolidating the country's positioning as an investment destination and convincing foreign investors to bring their projects into the national territory.


As part of the action plan “Reactivate Tourism | Construir o Futuro”, the Invest in Tourism platform, which is now available in Portuguese and English, presents potential investors with a wide range of information about the country, from performance data on the tourism sector, explanations of the tax benefits they can find, tips on how to start a business in Portugal, among others.

According to Turismo de Portugal, the new platform «has the objective of adding value to a set of economic activities related to Tourism, reinforcing the international reputation of national products and services and the perception of quality of the Portugal brand.»

In addition, the organization promises to provide a team dedicated to this area, with the mission of supporting investors in the investment process - in the areas of opportunities, financing, licensing, human resources, entrepreneurship, statistics, and partnerships -, also counting on the contribution of teams operating abroad.

In a statement, Rita Marques, Secretary of State for Tourism, recalls that «Portugal is already one of the most attractive European destinations for foreign investment». However, she points out, “we must continue to work to promote investment and financing for the sustainability of Tourism, developing skills and improving the coordination of actions in different policy areas, including entrepreneurship or innovation. Invest in Tourism will become the showcase for investment opportunities in Tourism in Portugal.”

The Invest in Tourism platform is supported by partners such as Abanca, Bankinter, BPI, Banco Português de Gestão, Banco Montepio, Crédito Agrícola, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Eurobic, GoParity, novobanco, novobanco dos Açores, Millennium BCP, Santander , Capital Partners, Quadrantis, Portugal Ventures and Turismo Fundos, the latter two belonging to the Banco Português de Fomento Group.



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